Kool Peace is a members only foundation. Our social network is here to exchange information and celebrate people changing the world for the better. We will spark conversations about topics that “big media” ignores. We exemplify understanding,  justice and peace throughout our universe.

By the People, for All People

Humanitarian efforts begin with “people”, the plural collective. Humans are the conscious leaders of the universe. And government isn’t big enough to do it all. When we “exceed our grasp”, Kool Peace steps in. We will represent. Our future depends on it. We ALL remain accountable. We are the spark, the catalyst, in the public + private collaboration for good.

Awareness through Sharing, We all Matter

Kool Peace is apolitical and open-minded. Our online video community will share inspirational stories of courage, leadership, justice and compassion. Please join us as we zoom out to view the bigger picture. Let’s dream bigger and make it happen. Consider the possibilities of a happier, more balanced world, shared by all.

This may include topics like:

Social Connection, the Good We Do
Diplomacy Made Simple
People for Peace

Kool Peace continues to share a vision of a better world. Not from the top down, but the core up. Let’s get real. Let’s share our world as  we expand. Let’s inspire, motivate and encourage “good people”. We can become a more enlightened, kooler world.

Kool Peace will explore real solutions to challenges, both small and large. Let’s cooperate, public, private, groups, community. Let’s celebrate positive action and acknowledge peaceful solutions to essential challenges.

Our Community


Kool Peace aspires to a better version of humankind, one that envisions a higher purpose for human existence. So what does that look like and how will it work? Our stories can provide guidance, a visual reference as we discover our bearing and purpose. Every day is a new dawn, a chance for fresh awakening in the now. What are you doing with it?

As sentient beings, humans can experience true enlightened reality with pure intention and purpose. But that purpose is occasionally overshadowed, subverted and diminished in the “daily grind” of life. We need to be reminded. In the Kool Peace view, positive intention matters! Kool Peace serves to remind us of our higher purpose as we journey through life. We represent no particular religion, but rather common spiritual energy that binds us all as one in the universe. At the quantum level we are all the same field of energy, connected and fluid.

KoolPeace.net is our online community for sharing positive news and
constructive stories. We call it a “social video network.” It uses the
latest tech solutions for our independent social video network. We
combine the group features of other platforms like Facebook, YouTube,
Instagram, NextDoor for use by our community to share and connect.

Kool Peace members can share video with the community, special groups or
friends you met online. The network offers full interaction with
comments, polls, video reviews and more. Most importantly, our site will
feature weekly episodes from our latest reality show. Much of the
footage was filmed in and around Treasure Island and the greater Tampa
Bay region.

News DMS

Livestream & Videoconference

There is an old saying that “youth is wasted on the young”. But it doesn’t need to be. Practical social reform is happening online. And with video we can all make a statement and join the conversation. We will offer Livestream AMA (ask-me-anything) group calls with featured guests. Additionally, private groups can host Zoom, Skype and Google Meets.

KoolPeace News

KoolPeace is presently seeking fresh stories of innovation, leadership and social relevance. Please help us discover the heroes among us. Members are welcome to suggest any events, people or stories that may be of interest to our community. As an independent network we are open to provocative discussions outside the realm of traditional cut-and-paste news media. The party line from traditional news outlines has grown quite predictable and scripted. We plan to go where others fear to tread.

Media Coverage

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